
Showing posts from December, 2019


Thursday afternoon I was strolling through downtown St. Petersburg with a friend.   It was a beautiful, warm, breezy, Spring day.   The city was humming with activities and pedestrian's conversations.   A rally was being held in the park.   Waitresses and waiters were hustling along the sidewalk's many restaurants keeping customers fed and happy.   As my friend and I approached the street corner, we were greeted by two young college students.   They asked, if we could make a $20 monthly donation to help their cause.   They proceeded with a well rehearsed and articulate five minute speech, which lacked not in fervor or conviction.   A ll I could focus on, was the recent bombardment of dozens of requests for donations from every organization I have ever signed up with.   My involvement in these various organizations emerged from my desire to support causes I felt important and valuable to common concerns.   I also wanted to be...


Recently I have been asked by some parents, as to what books on parenting I recommend reading.   So, I started  thinking about it and rather than just give a list of books, and there is quite an extensive list of parenting books, I wanted to share that there is no right book.  I'll admit I've read many of them and I still find parenting, both the most challenging and most rewarding experience in my life. Growing together, building a relationship is a journey that will be different for each family.   That is why I agree with Brene Brown that there is no such thing as “a parenting expert”.   M y first recommendation is Brene Brown’s book “The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting”.   You can also get it on audio.   I got mine from my local library and I listened to it while cleaning, doing laundry and cooking.   It's not always easy to find quiet time with a book, so that worked out great for me.   I loved this book because I felt her right ther...