Rudolf Dreikurs, a student of Adler, said that all misbehavior arises from discouragement. We are living in very discouraging times, so it’s no surprise that we see a great deal of misbehavior. It’s difficult to find the post signs to guide us towards what is going right and what to do more of, because the media has made sure to focus our attention to what’s going wrong and have us pay a great deal of attention to all the misbehavior. Anyone who is attempting to do something helpful or useful is just being ignored or worse, squashed under all the negativity that’s out there. Yet we are continuously making a “big deal” about all the negative, unhelpful and down right destructive behaviors people are exhibiting. We are not looking for solutions or ways to solve the problems. We are looking to find more ways to be divisive and fight. Adler said that people who are well adjusted look to overcome (over ...