If you are a parent, who tells your child at drop off: “Be good! Behave! Do your best today! Have the best day ever!! “You may have all the best intentions, however, unbeknownst to you, you may be setting them up for not such a good day. Why is that? Our behaviors are not based on cause and effect, as are other things in nature. We are motivated by purposefulness. For example; If I don’t want to be told what to do, and you tell me to be good, I may choose to do the opposite. Even if I would like to have a good day, help out and cooperate, I cannot let you win by doing what you tell me to do. Now I’m in a bind! If the child is in a fight at home, they are going to misbehave wherever the parent is most vested in the child doing well. If you want to help your child have a good day, you may want to keep reading and consider trying something different. The key to anything, is having a good r...